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FirstAmerican Estimates
FirstAmerican Estimates are produced by FirstAmerican. These proprietary estimates are independent, objective calculations based on hundreds of property and neighborhood factors that influence home prices and rental rates. FirstAmerican ratings and reports are calculated on over 70 million residential properties in the U.S.
Market Value
The estimated value of this specific property, computed using FirstAmerican's formula with hundreds of influential factors. Though not an appraisal, it provides a benchmark to measure a property's asking price and purchase offers versus the local market.
Low Value
This is the lowest end of a range of values used to compute the Market Value. Low Value considers certain factors unique to properties or locations which may depress a property's value relative to others.
High Value
This is the highest end of a range of values used to compute the Market Value. High Value considers certain factors unique to properties or locations which may raise a property's value relative to others.
Confidence Score (%)
A Confidence Score ranges from 0% to 100% and is based on the depth and quantity of information available to calculate the Market Value. A higher confidence score reflects a broader array of data used for analysis. Highest confidence is found at 85% levels or above.